We were so excited to see the LÔTELI Classic Cassette Tape featured in a VICE Media piece this week titled 'The VICE Starter Pack for Dating After COVID'.
As we edge toward greater vaccination rates and warmer weather, people are 'ready to crawl out of the dirt to flirt', the article says. Still, not everyone is racing to embrace pre-pandemic date ideas such as crowded taco spots or live music venues. Instead, the article suggests a few outdoor and socially-distanced date ideas, from the traditional (picnic) to the wacky (dumpster diving?).
Of course, that post-pandemic first date isn't guaranteed to be any less awkward than it was pre-pandemic, so you might need an escape button. For this, the article proposes floating away on our very own Cassette Tape Pool Float. We have to admit, this use case wasn't at the front of our minds when we designed the Cassette Float, but we're here for it! Drifting around the pool on a sunny afternoon sounds way more appealing than making small talk with a stranger in a bar, if you ask us.
LÔTELI pool floats: Helping you escape bad dates in Summer '21.
Thank you VICE for the mention!