20th Annual 'Tubes for Boobs' Charity Float

Floating for a Cause
Last month, Katie B. Happy, yoga teacher, educator and founder of 501c b_inspired, held her annual 'Tubes for Boobs' breast cancer awareness charity float event. Katie, who sadly lost her mother to breast cancer, has held this event in all weathers for twenty years now, drawing a crowd of friends and supporters together for day of fun on the water.
Swim Rings for River Floating
The team did an incredible job of inflating dozens of designer pool floats and swim rings to make sure everyone had a river-worthy vessel. Once in the water, they made rafts of floats using ropes, huge floats and swim rings of all sizes to make sure everyone stayed together (the best way to share drinks and snacks mid-float). Our Blonde and Brunette Swim Rings came in handy for their strength and size (yes to the two-person cozy float!).
Congratulations Katie!
Katie is a long-term friend of LOTELI and we just want to congratulate her on the 20th anniversary of this amazing event. It looks like it was an absolute blast!!
Scroll down for more pics from the day!